2008 Election Model – A Monte Carlo Electoral Vote Simulation
Posted in '04 Election, '08 Election, Democratic Underground, media censorship, TruthIsAll on August 27th, 2008
The media fails to recognize that since March 4, there have been two sets of Republican crossover voters. The first group consists of the 40-50% who were driven by Operation Chaos. The other consists of moderates who are strongly for Obama.
Final Exit poll data shows that since Operation Chaos began on March 4 in OH and TX, the percentage of Republican crossover voters has risen from 6% to 9%. The increase has been almost totally to Clinton’s benefit.
Prior to March 4 (before Operation Chaos), 7 primaries allowed Republicans to participate. Obama won their vote by an average of 59-28%. He won all 7 primaries by an average 58-37% share.
Since Operation Chaos began on March 4, 5 primaries have been open to Republicans. Clinton won their vote by an average 57-41%. Obama won 2 of the 5 primaries (but should have won 4). He had an average 51-47% share in the 5 primaries.
Republican Share of Democratic Primary Vote: Pre vs. Post March 4 (Operation Chaos)
Final Exit Polls
Pre March 4
Total Share Share of Rep Difference
AL 5% 42% 56% 52% 45% 10% -11%
SC 4% 27% 53% 20% 37% -7% -16%
IL 6% 34% 65% 36% 60% 2% -5%
MO 6% 44% 54% 21% 75% -23% 21%
LA 5% 37% 56% 17% 53% -20% -3%
VA 7% 35% 64% 23% 72% -12% 8%
WI 9% 40% 57% 28% 72% -12% 15%
Avg 6% 37% 58% 28% 59% -9% 1%
Post March 4
Total Share Share of Rep Difference
OH 9% 54% 44% 49% 49% -5% 5%
TX 9% 51% 47% 46% 53% -5% 6%
MS 12% 38% 60% 75% 25% 37% -35%
IN 10% 50.1% 49.9% 53% 47% 3% -3%
NC 5% 42% 56% 61% 32% 19% -24%
Avg 9% 47% 51% 57% 41% 10% -10%
Pre- March 4
Dem 82% 40% 58% 1%
Rep 5% 52% 45% 3%
Ind 13% 48% 48% 3%
Total 41.6% 56.1% 1.4%
Dem 73% 28% 57% 14%
Rep 4% 20% 37% 43%
Ind 23% 26% 42% 32%
Total 27.2% 52.8% 19.3%
Dem 79% 36% 63% 1%
Rep 6% 36% 60% 4%
Ind 16% 22% 72% 4%
Total 34.1% 64.9% 1.7%
Dem 73% 50% 47% 2%
Rep 6% 21% 75% 4%
Ind 22% 30% 67% 2%
Total 44.4% 53.6% 2.1%
Dem 83% 38% 57%
Rep 5% 17% 53%
Ind 12% 36% 53%
Total 36.7% 56.3%
Dem 70% 38% 62%
Rep 7% 23% 72%
Ind 22% 30% 69%
Total 34.8% 63.6%
Dem 62% 46% 53%
Rep 9% 28% 72%
Ind 28% 33% 64%
Total 40.3% 57.3%
Party ID
Post March 4 (Operation Chaos)
Dem 69% 56% 42%
Rep 9% 49% 49%
Ind 22% 48% 50%
Total 53.6% 44.4%
Dem 66% 53% 46%
Rep 9% 46% 53%
Ind 25% 48% 49%
Total 51.1% 47.4%
Dem 71% 30% 67%
Rep 12% 75% 25%
Ind 17% 43% 53%
Total 37.6% 59.6%
Dem 67% 51% 49%
Rep 10% 53% 47%
Ind 23% 46% 54%
Total 50.1% 49.1%
Dem 76% 39% 60%
Rep 5% 61% 32%
Ind 19% 50% 45%
Total 42.2% 55.8%
Once again, the FINAL National Exit Poll does NOT compute. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2006/pages/results/states/US/H/00/epolls.0.html THE DEMOCRATS DID MUCH BETTER THAN THE FINAL EXIT POLL INDICATES! They always do. Remember Kerry in 2004? He won the 13047 respondent National Exit Poll timeline at 12:22am by 51-47%. But the Final Exit Poll (13660 respondents at 2pm) said Bush won by 51-48%. Fast forward to 2006. The 7pm Montana exit poll said Tester won by 53-46. The Final Exit Poll: 50-47.5 The recorded vote: 49-48 The 7pm Virginia exit poll said Webb won by 53-46. The Final Exit Poll: 50.1-49.9 The recorded vote: 50-49. What do 2004 and 2006 also have in common? The Final Exit Poll was matched to the recorded vote. It always is. That's SOP. The Democratic vote was 3% too low. Bottom line: If the recorded vote was bogus and the election was rigged through uncounted ballots and switched votes, you would never know it from the Final Exit Poll. But if you view the earlier exit poll timeline, you would be alerted to fraud. And if you analyze the demographics, you would confirm the theft. Let's start our analysis with the 116 GENERIC PRE-ELECTION POLL TREND LINE. The Democratic vote share has been a steadily increasing trend line. On Nov. 7, the Dems held a 14.6% lead over the GOP. Here's graphic proof: http://www.geocities.com/electionmodel/Election2006_16921_image001.png The Generic trend line on Nov.7: Dem 51.8% - GOP 38.6% Convert to 2-party shares: Dem 57.3% - GOP 42.7% That's a 14.6% spread. We will refer to the 14% spread in the following analysis. _________________________________________ Lets look at the 2006 NATIONAL EXIT POLL, posted on CNN: PARTY-ID ..... Mix Dem Rep Dem 38% 90% 9% C 38% too low, 90% too low, 9% too high Rep 38% 7% 93% C 38% too high, 93% too high, 7% too low Ind 25% 49% 46% C 49% WTF! Independents voted 60/40 for Dems Total 101% 49.1% 50.3% C WTF! Are they serious? IT'S PROOF THAT THE 2006 FINAL EXIT POLL IS BOGUS: According to poll, the GOP won by 50.3-49.1%. Really? 1) 2006 Voters identified as 38% Democratic, 38% Republican, 25% Independent. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE ! Here's why: a) The weights don't sum to 100. OK, no big deal here. b) Dems outnumbered Repubs. Who was more motivated to vote this time? c) The weights were 38D-35R-27I at the 12:22am 2004 NEP timeline. Look it up. d) THE CLINCHER: The 2006 vote based on PARTY-ID weights/vote shares are IMPOSSIBLE! If the weights/shares are to be believed, then the GOP won the Generic vote! Why, then, would you believe them? The NEP UNDERSTATES the Democratic Generic vote share by 7%. It OVERSTATES the GOP Generic vote share by 7%. How do we know this? Simple. The Dems won the final Generic Polls by more than 14%! Since 2004, the Final NEP has become laughable, a sick joke. Don't they realize they can't fool us anymore? Don't they realize that we can crunch the numbers? Would someone please get this to Olbermann? 2006 NATIONAL EXIT POLL Sample 13208 MOE 0.87% Weights/shares adjusted to derive a 12% Democratic Generic spread PARTY-ID (adjusted) Dem 40% 93% 7% Rep 35% 11% 89% Ind 25% 60% 40% Total 100% 56.1% 44.0% That's more like it! ________________________________________________ HOW VOTED IN 2004 Using this demographic, the spread is 55.8 Dem-44.2 GOP. That's an 11.6% spread. But it's too low. Why? Because the Bush/Kerry/Other weights are bogus. Kerry won by 52-47%. The third party vote was 1%. This is an analysis of how impossible Final Exit Poll weights were used to match a corrupt 2004 vote count: http://www.geocities.com/electionmodel/BogusWeights.htm 2006 NATIONAL EXIT POLL Sample 13208 MOE 0.87% HOW VOTED in 2004 ........Mix Dem GOP Kerry 45% 94% 5% Bush 46% 13% 85% Other 5% 62% 21% No 4% 79% 18% Total 97.6% 54.5% 43.1% 2-pty 100% 55.8% 44.2% Now let's adjust the weights and vote shares to derive a 14% spread. We use 51 Kerry/46 Bush/1 Other/2 No weights. The adjusted weights are based on the TRUE Kerry/Bush vote BEFORE it was stolen with uncounted spoiled/lost ballots and vote switching. 2006 NATIONAL EXIT POLL VOTED IN 2004 (adjusted weights and vote shares) ........Mix Dem GOP Kerry 51% 94% 5% C Kerry's true 2004 vote Bush 46% 13% 85% C Bush's true vote Other 1% 62% 21% C Third parties had 1% of the vote DNV 2% 79% 18% C did not vote in 2004 Total 98.3% 56.1% 42.2% 2-pty 100% 57.1% 42.9% The adjusted Democratic 2-party national vote share is now 57.1%. That's within 0.2% of the Nov.7 trend line (see above). _______________________________________________________________ GENDER Based on the 2006 National Exit Poll 2-party vote shares, the national split was 54.4% Dem-45.6% GOP. That's an 8.8% spread. Much too low. 2006 NATIONAL EXIT POLL GENDER (adjusted weights and vote shares) .......Mix Dem GOP Male 48% 51% 47% Female 52% 56% 43% Total 98.5% 53.6% 44.9% 2-pty 100% 54.4% 45.6% Ask these questions, regarding national vote shares: WHY THE 2.8% DISCREPANCY BETWEEN "GENDER" AND "HOW VOTED"? WHY THE 5% DISCREPANCY BETWEEN "GENDER" AND "PARTY-ID"? Once again, let's adjust the weights and vote shares to get a result which approximates the Generic vote. GENDER (Adjusted) .......Mix Dem GOP Male 46% 53% 47% Female 54% 57% 43% Total 100% 55.2% 44.8% This is just further confirmation that the Final 2006 NEP was matched to a corrupt vote count, just as it was in in 2004 and 2000. Edison-Mitofsky never consider the possibility of a corrupt vote count in discussing their exit poll methodology. WHY DO THEY DO THIS? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS ASSUME ZERO FRAUD? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS ASSUME A PRISTINE VOTE COUNT? THAT'S WHY THE FINAL NATIONAL EXIT POLLS ARE ALWAYS WRONG. THAT'S WHY THE FINAL EXIT POLLS ALWAYS LOW-BALL THE DEMOCRATIC VOTE. THAT'S WHY THE FINAL EXIT POLLS NEVER MATCH FINAL PRE-ELECTION POLLS. THAT'S WHY THE EARLY, UNCONTAMINATED EXIT POLLS ARE CLOSE TO THE TRUTH. AND THAT'S WHY THEY'LL NEVER SHOW US RAW EXIT POLL DATA. by TruthIsAll, posted on Democratic Underground by Autorank ________________________________________________