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The Rolling Stone article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is just the latest step in realizing the truth about stolen election 2004.Just so everyone understands, here’s how it all started… National Exit Polls are released periodically throughout election day showing Kerry winning (up through the final poll of the day at just after midnight). We were not supposed to see them but great lawyer, statistician, thinker Jonathan Simon captured the unintentionally released exit polls. He knew there were problems when the vote count contradicted the exit poll results. So did many of us as we reviewed Ohio and the rest of the voter disenfranchisement efforts across the nation. TIA got a hold of the data and noticed something very wrong, outlining the case by Nov. 9, 2004. Simon and Alastair Thompson (althecat) wrote their article in “Scoop” Independent News, Nov. 17, 2004. The truth was out and TruthIsAll, Steve Freeman, Ron Baiman and the rest of the brave “math people” made the case on the exit polls while Bob Fitrakis, PhD, Richard Hayes, PhD, Cliff Arnebeck, and a host of wonderful activists all over America nailed down the rest of the evidence of voter suppression and disenfranchisement. Democratic Underground and its Elections Forum was absolutely central to the process…
( — Autorank, TruthIsAll is Back…)
December 13, 2004
Clint Curtis took a polygraph test on March 3rd, 2005…and passed!
December 13, 2005
June 1, 2006
- Was the 2004 Election Stolen? Republicans prevented more than 350,000 voters in Ohio from casting ballots or having their votes counted — enough to have put John Kerry in the White House. BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. for Rolling Stone Magazine
- June 2 Was the 2004 election stolen? No. by Farhad Manjoo (
- June 3 The False-Fake Debate over RFK Jr’s RS Article Started by Salon Ignores Democracy and What’s Important Opinion: Paul Lehto
- June 5 gets it all wrong by Bob Fitrakis
- June 6 Was the 2004 Election Stolen? – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Farhad Manjoo face off by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.and Farhad Manjoo
- June 6 Stand Up for Democracy With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Opinion: Thom Hartmann
- June 12 Illegitimate Election by Steven F. Freeman (A key source for RFK Jr. responds to criticism of his analysis of the 2004 election)
- June 14 Kennedy’s Challenge: Salon, Mother Jones & the Tortured Dialogue On Election Fraud 2004 by Michael Collins
- June 15 My Response To Manjoo’s Salon Critique by Cliff Arnebeck
- June 16 Some Might Call It Treason: An Open Letter to Salon by Mark Crispin Miller, posted on Huffington Post
- Will The Next Election Be Hacked? Fresh disasters at the polls — and new evidence from an industry insider — prove that electronic voting machines can’t be trusted by ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. for Rolling Stone Magazine
- Election Fraud 2004 Slide Show
- A Corrupted Election Despite what you may have heard, the exit polls were right — by Steve Freeman & Josh Mitteldorf
- The silent scream of numbers — The 2004 election was stolen — will someone please tell the media? by ROBERT C. KOEHLER, Tribune Media Services
- “The Biggest Story of Our Lives” by Jim Lampley
- “Revisiting the Biggest Story of Our Lives” by Jim Lampley
- “2004: Ignoring the Canary” by Rep. John Conyers
- “2004 U.S. presidential election controversy, voting machines” from
- “2004 U.S. presidential election controversy and irregularities” from Wikipedia
- Introduction: Did George W. Bush steal America’s 2004 election? by Bob Fitrakis
- No Paper Trail Left Behind: The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election by Dennis Loo, Ph.D. Cal Poly Pomona
- None Dare Call It Stolen: Ohio, the election, and America’s servile press by Mark Crispin Miller
- The Harri Hursti Hack and its Importance to our Nation By Susan Pynchon, Florida Fair Elections Coalition (updated January 21, 2006)
- Feb 14, 2006 Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuBasic Interpreter .pdf by Voting Systems Technology Assessment Advisory Board (VSTAAB)
- May 11, 2006 Diebold TSx Evaluation. SECURITY ALERT:…Critical Security Issues with Diebold TSx .pdf, A BBV Project, prepared by Harri Hursti
- May 4, 2006 DIEBOLD DISASTERS DEEPEN: Pennsylvania Issues ‘Security Vulnerability’ Alert… BLOGGED BY Brad on 5/4/2006 12:27PM
- May 5, 2006 Newly Discovered Diebold Threat Described as ‘Major National Security Risk’! BLOGGED BY Brad on 5/5/2006 1:24PM
- May 11, 2006 Diebold’s Deliberate Security Vulnerability BLOGGED BY John Gideon on 5/11/2006 4:16PM
- May 16, 2006 Diebold Was Warned About Problem in 2004! Did Nothing! BLOGGED BY Brad on 5/16/2006 12:56PM
- G.W. Bush Conspired with Others to Steal the 2000 and 2004 Elections (#4 of the Top 10 ‘Conspiracy Theories’ about George W. Bush) by Maureen Farrell
- An Appearance of Guilt By Ernest Partridge, The Crisis Papers
- Cramdown, Stripdown, Lockdown Democracy In The USA by Michael Collins
- How to Keep Democrats From Blowing the November Election by Bernard Weiner for The Crisis Papers
- How They Stole Ohio : The GOP 4-step Recipe to ‘Blackwell’ the USA in 2008 by Greg Palast for Buzzflash
- African-American Voters Scrubbed by Secret GOP Hit List by Greg Palast
- The Strange Death of American Democracy: Endgame Ohio. by Michael Keefer, Centre for Research on Globalisation
- Kerry Won!!! Statistical Tools Everyone Can Use + An Interview with TruthIsAll by Michael Collins, Special for “Scoop”
- Jim Lampley interviewed by Brad Friedman of The BRAD BLOG
- None Dare Call It Stolen – Mark Crispin Miller on WNYC
- Mark Crispin Miller on WPR 11-17-05
- Mark Crispin Miller on Media Matters with Bob McChesney 11-20-05
- Thom Hartmann and Paul Lehto on the Corporate takeover of America’s elections at the First Unitarian Church in Portland on July 16, 2005
- Dr. Dennis Loo Author of “No Paper Trail Left Behind: The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election”
- Mark Cripsin Miller on KPFA 04-26-06
- RFK Jr. & Farhad Manjoo discuss election fraud on WNYC 6-12-06
- Brad Friedman discusses Busby/Bilbray Election with Ed Shultz 6-12-06
- Randi Rhodes discusses election fraud – Air America Radio 6-7-06
- Greg Palast discusses CAGING LISTS on Democracy Now! – 6-14-06.mp3
- RFK Jr & TruthIsAll on Mike Malloy 06-07-2006.mp3
- More Audio
- America’s Illegitimate Election 2004 | Source
- Bob Fitrakis at Election Fraud Teach In
- Mark Crispin Miller on Washington Journal (C-Span) 11-27-05
- Voting Machines Hacked?
- Mark Crispin Miller on BookTV – CSPAN2 4-09-06 (QuickTime – 53 minutes)
- Mark Crispin Miller on BookTV – CSPAN2 4-09-06 Q & A Session (QuickTime – 31 minutes)
- Fixing Elections : Who Will Your Voting Machine Vote For? – University of Washington, 4-25-06 (QuickTime 1hr. 45mins)
- RFK Jr. on The Colbert Report discussing Election Fraud – 6-12-06 (QuickTime)
- Lou Dobbs discusses foreign ownership of voting machine companies – 6-05-06 (QuickTime)
- Lou Dobbs on E-Voting Vulnerability – 6-12-06 (QuickTime)
- Lou Dobbs discusses Diebold in Georgia – 6-20-06 (QuickTime)
- Lou Dobbs – ‘Elections Can be Outright Stolen and No One Would Ever Know…It’s Incredible’ – 6-27-06 (QuickTime)
- More Lou Dobbs Video at
- More Video
Downloadable .pdfs with much more information:
- Congressman Conyers 102-page report from Judiciary Committee Democrats
- US Count Votes Study of the 2004 Presidential Election Exit Poll Discrepancies
- The 2004 Presidential Election: Who Won The Popular Vote?
- Non-partisan GAO report confirms concerns about security of electronic voting machines!
- Time Line of Exit Poll Irregularities Election 2004
- Vote-Switching Software Provided by Vendors – a partial list
- More Downloads
Electile Dysfunction by Penny Little | |
American Blackout chronicles the recurring patterns of voter disenfranchisement from Florida 2000 to Ohio 2004 while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Mckinney not only took an active role investigating these election debacles, but has found herself in the middle of her own after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. | |
STEALING AMERICA: Vote by Vote directed by Dorothy Fadiman, featuring Greg Palast brings together dramatic behind-the-scenes stories related to the election of November 2, 2004. | |
UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 – and now looms as an unbridled threat to the outcome of the 2008 election. This controversial feature length film by Emmy award-winning director David Earnhardt examines in factual, logical, and yet startling terms how easy it is to change election outcomes and undermine election integrity across the U.S. Noted computer programmers, statisticians, journalists, and experienced election officials provide the irrefutable proof. | |
Hacking Democracy. The documentary, broadcast on HBO throughout November & December 2006, exposes the dangers of voting machines used during America’s mid term and presidential elections. Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of America’s votes in county, state and federal elections. The technology is also increasingly being used across the world, including in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America. Filmed over three years this exposé follows the investigations of a team of citizen activists and hackers as they take on the electronic voting industry, targeting the Diebold corporation. |
- Read and support Mark Crispin Miller’s “12 Step Program to Save US Democracy”
- was created to give Democratic voters the tools we need to make sure our votes count – so Republicans never steal another election!
- VoteTrustUSA – Get Involved
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- – Take Action
- Get involved with a state or national election reform organization
- Send copies of the above books & movies, & the Solar Bus Multimedia CD-R to the media and politicians
- Write a letter to the editor of your local paper
- Support verifiable voting technologies, random audits, hand counted paper ballots, and the vote – PAD
- Brad Blog
- Solar Bus Election Justice Center
- 2004 Election Theft
- Election Fraud Blog
- Election Reform Forum on Democratic Underground
- Statistical Analysis by TruthIsAll
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