Action: Californians say NO to Vote Pirates–Showdown with ES&S, Diebold

June 16th Show-Down with ES&S and Diebold

The following are two PDFs and one Word doc that we need to get on every website, newsletter and all media outlets.

1) Press release regarding the California Election Protection Network to Oppose Diebold and ES&S at a June 16th Sacramento Hearing. Everyone is invited for the fun:

2) Here is a short blurb on the 6/16 event in a Word doc format:

3) Here is the California Election Protection Network’s position statement submitted to the Election Assistance Commission in response to their request for input (before May 25, 2005) on how to implement the Jan. 1 2006 Centralized Voter Registration as mandated by HAVA:

Californians Say "NO" to Vote Pirates
The California Election Protection Network (“CEPN”), over 25 citizen groups across California working together to achieve their mutual election integrity goals, invites you to join them at the Voting Systems & Procedures Panel (“VSPP”), Thursday, June 16th, 9 AM, in front of the Secretary of State’s office, 1500-11th Street, Sacramento, 95814. Testify in favor of open and clean elections at the 10:00 am VSPP hearing. The VSPP approves voting systems for California.

Rock the boat.
Protect our vote!

For more info & to read CEPN’s full press release,
contact Sherry Healy:

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