Archive for the 'ACORN' Category

Block the Vote

Posted in '08 Election, ACORN, Greg Palast, Main Stream Media, RFK Jr. on October 20th, 2008

Will the GOP’s campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots determine the next president?


These days, the old west rail hub of Las Vegas, New Mexico, is little more than a dusty economic dead zone amid a boneyard of bare mesas. In national elections, the town overwhelmingly votes Democratic: More than 80 percent of all residents are Hispanic, and one in four lives below the poverty line. On February 5th, the day of the Super Tuesday caucus, a school-bus driver named Paul Maez arrived at his local polling station to cast his ballot. To his surprise, Maez found that his name had vanished from the list of registered voters, thanks to a statewide effort to deter fraudulent voting. For Maez, the shock was especially acute: He is the supervisor of elections in Las Vegas.

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WaPo: Thousands of Voters ‘Incorrectly’ Purged From Voter Rolls Across Nation

Posted in '08 Election, ACORN, General, Main Stream Media, Vote Caging on October 19th, 2008
Blogged by Brad Friedman on 10/19/2008 6:00AM
Records of 4 of 6 WI State Election Board Members Rejected Due to Database ‘Mismatches’!

From Saturday’s Washington Post, on the “November Surprise” we’ve been trying to shout about for months now.

The lede: “Thousands of voters across the country must reestablish their eligibility in the next three weeks in order for their votes to count on Nov. 4, a result of new state registration systems that are incorrectly rejecting them.”…

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Rolling Stone: It’s Already Stolen

Posted in '08 Election, ACORN, Disenfranchisement, Greg Palast, RFK Jr. on October 17th, 2008

Investigation by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast released today

Don’t worry about Mickey Mouse or ACORN stealing the election.  According to an investigative report out today in Rolling Stone magazine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast, after a year-long investigation, reveal a systematic program of “GOP vote tampering” on a massive scale.

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So Where’s the ACORN ‘Voter Fraud’?

Posted in '08 Election, ACORN, Brad Blog, Voter Fraud on October 15th, 2008
It Doesn’t Exist, But That Fact Won’t Keep the Wingnuts From Claiming Otherwise…

— Brad Friedman

So where’s the “voter fraud”?

Fox “News”, and it’s Rupert Murdoch owned print brethren, the New York Post, continue to bang the GOP’s phony ACORN “voter fraud” drum, but as far as I can tell, they’ve failed to come up with a single incident of any actual voter fraud committed by the dastardly “left-wing extremists”.

Yes, Ann Coulter has committed felony voter fraud, but neither of the Murdoch outfits have yet to note that point, even while they go wall-to-wall with misleading reports claiming that ACORN is committing massive “voter fraud” on behalf of the Democrats.

So, as it’s now been revealed that John McCain himself was a keynote speaker at a 2006 ACORN rally (on immigration reform) in Florida, where he declared to the ACORN volunteers in the room that they are “What makes America special”, and as I’ve been going back and forth with commenters on my “Republican Voter Fraud Hoax” piece at the UK’s Guardian (which today, has shot up to one of their most read items), still, nobody seems able to show me an instance of any actual voter fraud committed by ACORN, or even anybody who registered via ACORN for that matter.

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