Archive for December, 2005

The Law of Large Numbers & Central Limit Theorem:

Posted in General on December 14th, 2005



It’s for everyone who voted in 2004 or plans to vote in 2006.

It’s for those who say: "Math was my worst subject in high school".
If you’ve ever placed a bet at the casino or race track,
or played the lottery, you already know the basics.
It’s about probability.
It’s about common sense.
It’s not all that complicated.

It’s for individuals who have taken algebra, probability and
statistics and want to see how they apply to election polling.

It’s for graduates with degrees in mathematics, political science,
an MBA, etc. who may or may not be familiar with simulation concepts.

It’s for Excel spreadsheet users who enjoy creating math models.
Simulation is a powerful tool for analyzing uncertainty.
Like coin flipping and election polling.

It’s for writers, blogs and politicians who seek the truth:
Robert Koehler, Brad from BradBlog, John Conyers, Barbara Boxer,
Mark Miller, Fitrakis, Wasserman, USCV, Dopp, Freeman, Baiman, Simon,
Scoop’s althecat, Krugman, Keith Olberman, Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes,
Stephanie Miller, etc.

It’s for Netizens who frequent Discussion Forums.

It’s for those in the Media who are still waiting for editor approval
to discuss documented incidents of vote spoilage, vote switching and
vote suppression in recent elections and which are confirmed by
impossible pre-election and exit poll deviations from the recorded vote.

It’s for naysayers who promote faith-based hypotheticals in their
unrelenting attempts to debunk the accuracy of the pre-election
and exit polls.

People forget Selection 2000. Gore won the popular vote by 540,000.
But Bush won the election by a single vote.
SCOTUS voted along party lines: Bush 5, Gore 4.
That stopped the Florida recount in its tracks.
Gore won Florida. Why did they do it?
And why did the "liberal" media say he lost?

But Gore voters did not forget 2000.
So in 2004, they came out to vote in droves.
Yet the naysayers claim Gore voters forgot that they voted for him
and told the exit pollsters that they voted for Bush in 2000.
It’s the famous "false recall" hypothetical.
The naysayers were forced to use it when they could not come up
with a plausible explanation for the impossible weightings of
Bush and Gore voter turnout in the Final National Exit poll.

Put on the defoggers.
We had enough disinformation
We had enough obfuscation.
Now we will let the sunshine in.

This is a review of the basics.



Consider an experiment:
Flip a fair coin 10 times.
Calculate the percentage of heads.
Write it down.

Increase it to 30.
Calculate the new total percentage.
Write it down.

Keep increasing the number of flips…
Write down the percentage for 50.
Then do it for 80.
Stop at 100.
That’s our final coin flip sample-size.

When you’re all done, check the percentages.
Is the sequence converging to 50%?
That’s the true population mean (average).

That’s the Law of Large Numbers.

The coin-flip is easily simulated in Excel.
Likewise, in the polling simulations which follow,
we will analyze the result of polling experiments
over a range of trials (sample size).



Naysayers have a problem with polls.
Especially when a Bush is running.
Regardless of how many polls or how large the samples,
the results are never good enough for them.
They prefer to cite their two famous, unproven hypotheticals:
Bush non-responders (rBr) and Gore voter memory lapse ("false recall").

How do pollsters handle non-responders?
They just… increase the sample-size!
Furthermore, statistical studies indicate that there is no
discernible correlation between non-response rates and survey results

How do pollster’s handle false recall?
They know that in a large sample, forgetfullness on the part
of Gore and Bush voters… will cancel each other out!
There’s no evidence that Gore voters forget any more than Bush voters.
On the contrary.
If someone you knew robbed you in broad daylight,
would you forget who it was four years later?
Gore was robbed in 2000.

They claim that polling bias favored Kerry
in BOTH the pre-election AND exit polls.
They offer no evidence to back up these claims.
In fact, National Exit Poll data shows a pro-Bush bias.

They maintain that the polls are not random-samples.
Especially when Bush is involved.



Naysayers ignore the fact that each poll has a Margin of Error (MoE).
Are we to ignore the MoE provided by a professional pollster?

The MoE is the interval on either side of the Polling Sample mean
in which there is a 95% confidence level (probability) of containing
the TRUE Population Mean.

Here is an example:
Assume a poll with a 2% MoE and Kerry is leading Bush by 52-48%.
Then there is a 95% probability that Kerry’s TRUE vote is in the range
from 50% to 54% {52-MoE, 52+MoE}.

Futhermore, the probability is 97.5% that Kerry’s vote will exceed 50%.

Here is the standard formula that ALL pollsters use to calculate MoE:

MoE = 1.96 * sqrt(p*(1-p)/n) * (1+CF)
n is the sample size.
p and 1-p are the 2-party vote shares.
CF is an exit poll "cluster effect" factor (see the example below).

The MoE decreases as the sample-size (n) increases.
The poll becomes more accurate as we take more samples.
It’s the Law of Large Numbers again.
Makes sense, right?
Remember the coin flips?

This result is not so obvious.
For a given sample size (n), the MoE is at it’s maximum value
when p =.50 (the two candidates are tied).
To put it another way:
The more one-sided the poll, the smaller the MoE.
In the 50/50 case, the formula can be simplified:
MoE = 1.96 * .5/sqrt(n) =.98/sqrt(n)

Let’s calculate the MoE for the 12:22am National Exit poll.
n = 13047 sampled respondents
p = Kerry’s true 2-party vote share = .515
1-p = Bush’s vote share = .485

MoE = 1.96 * sqrt (.515*.485/13047)= .0086 = 0.86%
Adding a 30% exit poll cluster effect:
MoE = 1.30*0.86% = 1.12%

The cluster effect is highly controversial.
We can only make a rough estimate of its impact on MoE.
The higher the cluster effect, the larger the MoE.
But cluster is only a factor in exit polls.
There is no MoE adjustment in pre-election or approval polls.

Why would a polling firm include the MoE if the poll was
not designed to be an effective random sample?

Pollsters use proven methodologies, such as cluster sampling,
stratified sampling, etc. to attain a near-perfect random sample.


This model demonstrates the Law of Large Numbers (LLN).
LLN is the foundation and bedrock of statistical analysis.
The model illustrates LLN through a simulation of polling samples.

In a statistical context, LLN states that the mean (average)of a
random sample taken from from a large population is likely
to be very close to the (true) mean of the population.

Start of math jargon alert…
In probability theory, several laws of large numbers say that
the mean (average) of a sequence of random variables with
a common distribution converges to their common mean as
the size of the sequence approaches infinity.

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is another famous result:
The sample means (averages) of an independent series of
random samples (i.e. polls) taken from the same population
will tend to be normally distributed (form the bell curve)
as the number of samples increase.
This holds for ALL practical statistical distributions.
End of math jargon alert….

It’s really not all that complicated.
The naysayers never consider LLN or CLT.
They would have us believe that professional pollsters are
incapable of creating accurate surveys (i.e. effectively random
samples) through systematic, clustered or stratified sampling.
Especially when a Bush is running.

LLN and CLT say nothing about bias.



Random number simulation is the best way to illustrate LLN:
These are the steps:
1) Assume a true 2-party vote percentage for Kerry (i.e. 51.5%).
2) Simulate a series of 8 polls of varying sample size.
3) Calculate the sample mean vote share and win probability for each poll.
4) Confirm LLN by noting that as the poll sample size increases,
the sample mean (average) converges to the population mean ("true" vote).

It’s just like flipping a coin.
Let Kerry be HEADS, with a 51.5% chance of winning a random voter.
This is Kerry’s TRUE vote (the population mean)
Bush is TAILS with a 48.5% chance.

A random number (RN) between zero and one is generated for each respondent.
If RN is LESS than Kerry’s TRUE share, the vote goes to Kerry.
If RN is GREATER than Kerry’s TRUE share, the vote goes to Bush.

For example, assume Kerry’s TRUE 51.5% vote share (.515).
If RN = .51, Kerry’s poll count is increased by one.
If RN = .53, Bush’s poll count is increased by one.

The sum of Kerry’s votes is divided by the poll sample (i.e. 13047).
This is Kerry’s simulated 2-party vote share.
It approaches his TRUE 51.50% vote share as poll samples increase.
Once again, the LLN applies as it did in the coin flip experiment.



These graphs are a visual summary of the simulation.





Press F9 run the simulation
Watch the numbers and graphs change.
They should NOT change significantly.

The graphs illustrate polling simulation output for:
Kerry’s 2-party vote (true population mean): 51.50%

Exit Poll Cluster effect (zero for pre-election):30%
The exit poll "cluster effect" is the incremental adjustment
to the margin of error in order to account for the clustering
of individuals with similar demographics at the exit polling site.

Play what-if:
Lower Kerry’s 2-party vote share from 51.5% to 50.5%.
Press F9 to run the simulation.
Kerry’s poll shares, corresponding win probabilities and
minimal threshold vote (97.5% confidence level), all DECLINE,
reflecting the lowering of his "true vote".



Just like in the above coin-flipping example, the
Law of Large Numbers takes effect as poll sample-size increases.

That’s why the National Exit Poll was designed to
survey at least 13000 respondents.

Note the increasing sequence of polling sample size as we go
from the pre-election state (600) and national (1000) polls
to the state and National exit polls:
Ohio (1963), Florida (2846) and the National (13047).

Here is the National Exit Poll Timeline:
Updated ; respondents ; vote share
3:59pm: 8349 ; Kerry led 51-48
7:33pm: 11027 ; Kerry led 51-48
12:22am:13047 ; Kerry led 51-48

1:25pm: 13660 ; Bush led 51-48
The final was matched to the vote.
So much for letting LLN and CLT do their magic.
Especially when a Bush is running.



The Kerry win probabilities are the main focus of the simulation.
They closely match theoretical probabilities obtained from
the Excel Normal Distribution function.

The probabilities are calculated using two methods:
1) running the simulation and counting Kerry’s total polling votes.
2) calculating the Excel Normal Distribution function:
Prob = NORMDIST(PollPct, 0.50, MoE/1.96, true)

The simulation shows that given Kerry’s 3% lead in the 2-party vote
(12:22am National Exit Poll), his popular vote win probability
was nearly 100%. And that assumes a 30% exit poll cluster effect!

For a 2% lead (51-49), the win probability is 97.5% (still very high).
For a 1% lead (50.5-49.5), it’s 81% (4 out of 5).
For a 50/50 tie, it’s 50%. Even money. Makes sense, right?

The following probabilities are also calculated for each poll:
1) The 97.5% confidence level for Kerry’s vote share.
There is a 97.5% probability that Kerry’s true vote will be greater.
The minimum vote share increases as the sample size grows.

2) The probability of Bush achieving his recorded two-party vote (51.24%).
The probability is extremely low that Bush’s actual vote would deviate
from his true 48.5% two-party share.
The probability declines as the sample size grows.



Wait one minute for the Excel model download.
It’s easy.
Just two inputs –
Kerry’s 2-party true vote share (51.5%) and
exit poll cluster effect (set to 30%).

Press F9 to run the simulation.…

Or go here for a complete listing of threads from

Posted by autorank on Democratic Underground

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PLEASE help pass the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (H.R. 550)

Posted in General, TAKE ACTION! on December 5th, 2005

Rush Holt’s HR 550, the most comprehensive piece of election reform legislation written, now has bi-partisan sponsorship and 159 co-sponsors. Let’s make some more noise for its passage. IT’S THE BEST WE’VE GOT RIGHT NOW!
Combining the call for voter-verified paper audit records with mandated, unannounced, random audit of election results, and linking prohibition of undisclosed software and internet connection with accessibility measures, H.R. 550, if passed, would force the Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia e-voting and vote-counting junkware out of the market.
Please sign Rush Holt’s petition and write to your Rep if he/she is not on the H.R.550 co-sponsor list. Thanks. freedomfries

Dear Members of the House Administration Committee:

On February 2, 2005, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (H.R. 550) was reintroduced to the U.S. House of Representatives. Its goal is simple: to set a national standard of security and independent auditability for our electoral process, and restore confidence in the outcomes of elections. H.R. 550 would require all voting systems to produce an actual paper record that voters themselves can inspect in the voting booth to check the accuracy of their votes, and that election officials can use to verify the accuracy of the vote count. Commonly referred to as a "voter-verified paper record," it is the most effective way to ensure an independent audit and provide voter-verified evidence as to the accuracy (or not) of election results.

You have heard from Members of the Maryland Delegation, who circulated a letter to the House in March reporting that "election judges unable to provide substantial confirmation that the vote was, in fact, counted" in certain elections in 2004 in Maryland. You have heard from Members of the Florida Delegation, who circulated a letter to the House in April reporting that more than 1,200 undervotes (voters who entered the voting booth without recording a vote) were recorded in an election in early 2005 in Florida in which there was only a single item on the ballot. You have heard from other Members who circulated letters reporting "more than 10,000 instances where a vote was not counted in three counties during the 2004 general election," on the same make of equipment that also was reported to have malfunctioned in Virginia in 2004. You have heard from the bi-partisan team of Representative Rush Holt (D-NJ) and Tom Davis (R-VA, the Chairman of the Government Reform Committee) repeatedly about election disputes resolved with finality by a hand count of voter-verified paper records; about the Carter-Baker Commission of Federal Election Reform’s recommendation for voter-verified paper records; and about the Government Accountability Office’s September 2005 report confirming the existence of a wide variety of irregularities, malfunctions, and inherent risks in unauditable electronic voting. Since H.R. 550’s predecessor bill was first introduced in May 2003, half the States (see map) have implemented requirements for voter-verified paper records. It is time to make this critical security measure a national standard. It is time to act.

The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (H.R. 550) will:

Mandate a voter-verified paper ballot for every vote cast in every federal election, nationwide; because the voter verified paper record is the only one verified by the voters themselves, rather than by the machines, it will serve as the vote of record in any case of inconsistency with electronic records;
Protect the accessibility requirements of the Help America Vote Act for voters with disabilities;
Require random, unannounced, hand-count audits of actual election results in every state, and in each county, for every Federal election;
Prohibit the use of undisclosed software and wireless and concealed communications devices and internet connections in voting machines;
Provide Federal funding to pay for implementation of voter-verified paper balloting; and
Require full implementation by 2006

Sign the petition!

H.R. 550 currently has 159 co-sponsors

*Please feel free to thank the current co-sponsors of H.R.550, or encourage others by writing them.

Rep Abercrombie, Neil – 2/2/2005 Rep Ackerman, Gary L. – 3/2/2005
Rep Allen, Thomas H. – 2/2/2005 Rep Andrews, Robert E. – 11/18/2005
Rep Baird, Brian – 2/2/2005 Rep Baldwin, Tammy – 2/2/2005
Rep Barrow, John – 9/6/2005 Rep Becerra, Xavier – 2/9/2005
Rep Berkley, Shelley – 4/5/2005 Rep Berman, Howard L. – 2/2/2005
Rep Berry, Marion – 3/17/2005 Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. – 2/16/2005
Rep Bishop, Timothy H. – 2/16/2005 Rep Blumenauer, Earl – 2/10/2005
Rep Bono, Mary – 9/28/2005 Rep Boucher, Rick – 4/5/2005
Rep Boyd, Allen – 3/2/2005 Rep Brady, Robert A. – 4/20/2005
Rep Brown, Corrine – 2/16/2005 Rep Brown, Sherrod – 2/9/2005
Rep Butterfield, G. K. – 3/17/2005 Rep Capps, Lois – 2/2/2005
Rep Cardin, Benjamin L. – 9/27/2005 Rep Cardoza, Dennis A. – 6/24/2005
Rep Carnahan, Russ – 9/13/2005 Rep Carson, Julia – 2/16/2005
Rep Case, Ed – 2/2/2005 Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy – 2/2/2005
Rep Cleaver, Emanuel – 9/13/2005 Rep Cole, Tom – 2/2/2005
Rep Conyers, John, Jr. – 2/2/2005 Rep Cooper, Jim – 2/2/2005
Rep Crowley, Joseph – 2/16/2005 Rep Cummings, Elijah E. – 2/9/2005
Rep Davis, Danny K. – 3/2/2005 Rep Davis, Jim – 3/2/2005
Rep Davis, Susan A. – 4/20/2005 Rep Davis, Tom – 2/2/2005
Rep DeFazio, Peter A. – 2/2/2005 Rep DeGette, Diana – 3/2/2005
Rep Delahunt, William D. – 2/16/2005 Rep DeLauro, Rosa L. – 3/10/2005
Rep Dicks, Norman D. – 2/2/2005 Rep Dingell, John D. – 3/17/2005
Rep Doggett, Lloyd – 2/16/2005 Rep Doyle, Michael F. – 2/16/2005
Rep Emanuel, Rahm – 2/16/2005 Rep Engel, Eliot L. – 4/5/2005
Rep Eshoo, Anna G. – 2/2/2005 Rep Etheridge, Bob – 2/16/2005
Rep Evans, Lane – 11/18/2005 Rep Farr, Sam – 2/2/2005
Rep Filner, Bob – 2/2/2005 Rep Fitzpatrick, Michael G. – 6/24/2005
Rep Ford, Harold E., Jr. – 3/10/2005 Rep Frank, Barney – 2/9/2005
Rep Gonzalez, Charles A. – 9/28/2005 Rep Gordon, Bart – 4/5/2005
Rep Green, Gene – 6/24/2005 Rep Grijalva, Raul M. – 2/16/2005
Rep Gutierrez, Luis V. – 2/16/2005 Rep Hastings, Alcee L. – 2/2/2005
Rep Higgins, Brian – 2/9/2005 Rep Hinchey, Maurice D. – 2/2/2005
Rep Honda, Michael M. – 2/9/2005 Rep Hooley, Darlene – 2/16/2005
Rep Inslee, Jay – 2/16/2005 Rep Israel, Steve – 4/5/2005
Rep Issa, Darrell E. – 9/6/2005 Rep Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. – 4/5/2005
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila – 3/2/2005 Rep Johnson, Eddie Bernice – 2/16/2005
Rep Jones, Stephanie Tubbs – 2/2/2005 Rep Kanjorski, Paul E. – 5/11/2005
Rep Kaptur, Marcy – 2/2/2005 Rep Kennedy, Patrick J. – 5/26/2005
Rep Kildee, Dale E. – 2/9/2005 Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. – 2/2/2005
Rep Kind, Ron – 2/2/2005 Rep Kucinich, Dennis J. – 2/2/2005
Rep Kuhl, John R. "Randy", Jr. – 6/24/2005 Rep Lantos, Tom – 2/2/2005
Rep Larsen, Rick – 2/9/2005 Rep Lee, Barbara – 2/2/2005
Rep Levin, Sander M. – 7/13/2005 Rep Lewis, John – 2/9/2005
Rep Lowey, Nita M. – 3/2/2005 Rep Maloney, Carolyn B. – 2/2/2005
Rep Markey, Edward J. – 4/5/2005 Rep Matheson, Jim – 2/9/2005
Rep McCarthy, Carolyn – 2/9/2005 Rep McCollum, Betty – 2/9/2005
Rep McDermott, Jim – 2/2/2005 Rep McGovern, James P. – 2/2/2005
Rep McKinney, Cynthia A. – 2/2/2005 Rep McNulty, Michael R. – 3/2/2005
Rep Meehan, Martin T. – 9/6/2005 Rep Meek, Kendrick B. – 3/2/2005
Rep Menendez, Robert – 9/13/2005 Rep Michaud, Michael H. – 2/9/2005
Rep Miller, Brad – 7/21/2005 Rep Miller, George – 2/9/2005
Rep Mollohan, Alan B. – 2/2/2005 Rep Moore, Dennis – 2/2/2005
Rep Moore, Gwen – 9/6/2005 Rep Moran, James P. – 2/2/2005
Rep Murtha, John P. – 2/16/2005 Rep Nadler, Jerrold – 2/2/2005
Rep Napolitano, Grace F. – 2/9/2005 Rep Neal, Richard E. – 9/13/2005
Rep Oberstar, James L. – 2/2/2005 Rep Obey, David R. – 2/2/2005
Rep Olver, John W. – 2/16/2005 Rep Owens, Major R. – 2/9/2005
Rep Pallone, Frank, Jr. – 2/9/2005 Rep Pascrell, Bill, Jr. – 2/2/2005
Rep Pastor, Ed – 2/16/2005 Rep Payne, Donald M. – 2/2/2005
Rep Petri, Thomas E. – 2/9/2005 Rep Price, David E. – 2/2/2005
Rep Rahall, Nick J., II – 2/16/2005 Rep Ramstad, Jim – 9/6/2005
Rep Rangel, Charles B. – 2/16/2005 Rep Ross, Mike – 2/9/2005
Rep Rothman, Steven R. – 3/2/2005 Rep Ryan, Tim – 2/9/2005
Rep Sabo, Martin Olav – 2/2/2005 Rep Salazar, John T. – 6/24/2005
Rep Sanchez, Linda T. – 2/9/2005 Rep Sanchez, Loretta – 2/2/2005
Rep Sanders, Bernard – 2/9/2005 Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. – 2/2/2005
Rep Schiff, Adam B. – 2/2/2005 Rep Schwartz, Allyson Y. – 6/24/2005
Rep Scott, Robert C. – 2/2/2005 Rep Serrano, Jose E. – 2/9/2005
Rep Sherman, Brad – 2/2/2005 Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh – 5/5/2005
Rep Smith, Adam – 4/5/2005 Rep Snyder, Vic – 2/16/2005
Rep Solis, Hilda L. – 2/9/2005 Rep Stark, Fortney Pete – 4/5/2005
Rep Stupak, Bart – 3/10/2005 Rep Taylor, Gene – 11/18/2005
Rep Thompson, Mike – 2/16/2005 Rep Tierney, John F. – 2/9/2005
Rep Towns, Edolphus – 2/16/2005 Rep Udall, Mark – 2/9/2005
Rep Udall, Tom – 3/2/2005 Rep Van Hollen, Chris – 2/2/2005
Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. – 7/13/2005 Rep Wasserman Schultz, Debbie – 2/9/2005
Rep Watson, Diane E. – 3/10/2005 Rep Waxman, Henry A. – 2/2/2005
Rep Weiner, Anthony D. – 4/5/2005 Rep Wexler, Robert – 2/2/2005
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. – 2/2/2005 Rep Wu, David – 2/2/2005
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell – 2/9/2005

Posted on Democratic Underground by freedomfries 

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Dr. Dean, get some guts…

Posted in General, TAKE ACTION! on December 3rd, 2005

… or the DNC will be the "sore losers" in 2006.

Voting Activist Sheri Myers emailed this to me today. She wanted me to post this here. I really like her idea to fax this letter to the DNC.

FAXED TO DNC HQ: (202) 863-8174

Dear Chairman Dean and the DNC,

Got your newsletter: "Democrats will take back the House and the Senate in 2006. Send money."

I’d love to help out, but I can’t bear to witness more pure hearts breaking because of election fraud. Apparently the DNC refuses to take it seriously, so here’s what I’m going to do – because for me, it’s dead serious.

I’m going to $upport Bob Fitrakis for Ohio Governor, because Bob’s going to talk about election fraud every chance he gets.
He is the incredible attorney/journalist/activist who led the citizen investigation of the Ohio Vote Fraud. Author of
"How George W. Bush Stole the 2004 Election." and editor of the Columbus FreePress.

BTW, (no surprise to anybody) Fitrakis is a Green. /

I’m going to send $ to John Bonifaz, who’s running for SOS in Massachusetts. I really believe he should be President – ASAP. / This is the guy who created and the National Voting Rights Institute, who wrote "Warrior-King: The Case for Impeaching George W Bush" and will institute the Voter Bill of Rights,

I’m going to ask all my vote-loving pals to sign the petition supporting the Rush-Holt bill, immediately. Now there’s legislation that should have passed YESTERDAY.

Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) has introduced a bill, S. 1975, The Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2005. I’m calling Senator Boxer to stand with him. This could put lots of Repug thugs on notice for the 2006 election.

Chairman Dean, how are YOU going to lead?

I don’t want to read any DNC decrees. There’s a war being waged by the Republican touchscreen companies to eat up our Democracy. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. I know you’re aware of this.

I saw you Dr. Dean, you sat there with Bev Harris, and she showed you how easy it was to hack the vote. "Whoa!" you said. I know you have Mark Crispin Miller’s excellent "Fooled Again: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They’ll Steal the Next One Too." AND I know Rev. Jesse Jackson put you with Bob Fitrakis to hear about the Ohio Fraud.

Where’d you go, Howard??
You know we’ve already lost Ohio to Diebold Republicans?
Doesn’t Ohio figure in your master plan to take back the White House?
What about Florida? No? Don’t need that state either?
I’m sure you know that North Carolina just caved and certified Diebold, didn’t you? OOPS!
And California, about be railroaded by SOS McPherson into buying bad machines. That okay with you, too?

Not a penny, not one phone call, not one online electron will I give to the Democratic Party until you seriously address the fraudulent election process that caused us to lose the last election.

Get the DNC on board, get some guts and get it done.

Onward, as sincere as they come,

Sheri Leigh Myers
Election Reform Activist
Los Angeles

p.s. And just to show how sincere I am, I’m asking 1000 of my vote-loving web friends to substitute their names and fax this letter to you at the DNC, (202) 863-8174, give $$ to Fitrakis and Bonifaz and ask all their friends to do the same.

PLEASE fax this to the DNC, they need to take this seriously!!!
Posted on Democratic Underground by Tuesday_Morning

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