- Election Fraud Blog - https://electionfraudblog.com -

Get Cell Phone Text Alerts on Election Problems Nearby!

Protect the Election - Join the Immediate Response TXT Network

We’ll text you on election day if there’s an urgent issue where your

participation — such as a phone call or carefully-targeted local action —

can make a big difference. Don’t worry, we won’t send you too many text

messages. In fact, we hope we don’t have to send you text messages at all.

But it pays to be prepared, so sign up to protect the election with our

immediate response network now!

Please share this message eith everyone you know — friends, family, and

colleagues — who is interested in helping protect the election this

November 7th.

http://www.workingassets.com/election_protection.cfm [1]

More information on who to call if you run into problems yourself:

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/10/19/181116/49 [2]